Don't think you could fit them in there. I recall using ignition wrenches,
i.e. very slim heads wih short handles. I have heard of the idea of drilling
access holes and its sounds like a good idea to me. Of course it means
getting it out of there first and onto your drill press/work bench.
on 2/14/04 7:17 AM, Paul Root at wrote:
> Would the ratchet wrenches help in this case?
> Dean T. Lake wrote:
>> John,
>> Having done the job a couple of times, I decided to think ahead for
>> once. You can drill two 1/2 inch holes through the transmission cross
>> brace in line with the bottom two angled fasteners. That way you can
>> just send an extension and socket right where you need it. It will save
>> about three quarters of an hour and 1/32 of skin off your knuckles.
>> Unfortunately, I never did figure out an easy way to do the job without
>> this modification. I probably spent more time staring at it than just
>> doing the unavoidable - that is, tuning the barely accessible bolts
>> about a flat at a time with a small wrench.
>> Dean
Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the primer red one with chrome wires