I apologize in advance for the off topic message; but I know there are some
web gurus on this list. If you are not in the habit of reading off topic
messages you can hit the ol' delete key now.
If, or when, you reply, would you please do it off list so I don't get
chewed up and spit out for sending this off topic post?
I presently have a domain name registered through Network Solutions, I think
it costs about $15 per year. I am planning to register another name. I see
there are many companies offering domain name registration at discount
prices (about $8). Is there any compelling reason I should register the new
domain name with Network Solutions? Or should I just go with one of the
cheap services? Is there a downside to the cheapies? Any suggestions as to
who I might use?
Any web developers (back end database) or hosting services out there that
would like to contact me off list feel free.
Larry Hoy