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Re: Wire wheels - Theft Prevention?

To: <>
Subject: Re: Wire wheels - Theft Prevention?
From: "James Nazarian" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 22:53:50 -0500
In the 8 years I have been driving MGBs every day I have had one incident.
Except for the last 6 months or so I have been driving my roadster and
always parked it either unlocked or with the top down and have never had the
benefit of a garage.  One night when I was living in Boulder I had someone
clean the change out of the ashtray when it was parked with the top down.  I
figure it was a bum, since my sunglasses were left in the center console and
the radio (with faceplate) and speakers were also unharmed.

James Nazarian
71 MGB Tourer
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Schnittke" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: Wire wheels - Theft Prevention?

> >Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 16:32:05 -0800
> >From: Barrie Robinson <>
> >Subject: Wire wheels - Theft Prevention?
> >
> >
> >Is there anyway to protect wire wheels against theft other than tying a
> >huge dog to each wheel?
> >
> >
> >Regards
> >Barrie
> >
> >
> >Barrie Robinson
> >
> Barrie,
> I tend to agree with most of the other replies with the guarded exception
> of Rocky's which is more remedial than preventative.
> It's my experience that there seems to be a golden aura of goodness and
> light that will surround just about any ragtop or classic car, with a few
> distinct exceptions. Corvettes seem to elude the heavenly protection
> somehow, as well as BMW's. There are a few others. I have found that,
> fifteen years of driving an MG daily to work and parking in dicey areas
> (but mostly downtown covered lots with occasional downtown uncovered and
> street spots thrown in), the bad boys tend to leave us alone. In fifteen
> years I have had one parking lot ticket lifted. On my two former cars, the
> heaters were good enough that I drove to work with the windows down in the
> dead of winter and left them that way when parked under cover. I figured,
> why piss them off? I can't lock my doors and if I could it would be easier
> to pull the window back and unlock it from the inside than to try to jimmy
> it. If I did lock them they would just slice the top. Five bills for a new
> top against anything I would leave in the car? Not much choice.
> I'm not saying that God should be your only insurance policy, but you have
> to give credit to the street sense of your average creep. They are
> basically looking for liquid assets. Even chrome wires on our cars aren't
> transferable to very many other cars, so where are they going to sell
> If you happen to live in a bad neighborhood that might be a different
> story. Keeping a close eye on the car or keeping it inside a fence would
> work. The aforementioned dog tied to each wheel would go a long way, but
> you do have to feed them once every week or so. The sound of a round being
> chambered is also quite familiar to most theives. It wouldn't matter what
> the caliber - as long as it's loud. For some reason the sound of a
> pump-action shot gun being chambered is louder than a double being closed.
> Shame, that...

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