Resistive leads or caps usually suppress audible ignition noise on radios
etc., resistor plugs are to suppress high-frequency interference that might
affect electronics more sophisticated than used in the standard tach.
Google shows one site having the Autolite 275 as a replacement for a
Champion L92YC, which *isn't* a resistor plug AFAIK. Aftermarket
electronic ignition systems frequently cause problems with the earlier
current-operated tachs used in the MGB to the end of the 72 model year, less
so with the voltage operated tachs used after that. My early 70s electronic
ignition came with a module for the tach, to be used if it didn't work
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Nazarian" <>
To: "mgs" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 28, 2003 2:53 AM
Subject: Re: Electrical Noise
> One thing that came to mind here is that I don't know if I have resistor
> plugs in the car or not, I suspect not. Can anyone tell me how Autolite's
> numbering system works? I have autolite 275 plugs in the car (V8)