While installing XM in my V8 the other day, I accidently discovered that I
have a source of noise in my electrical system. The puzzling part is that
it is present even when the car is not running. The details are a bit foggy
at the moment because I haven't had the opportunity to fully investigate it.
For now I'll stick to asking one question...
My car is wired such that there is a cable from battery to starter and then
from starter to fuse box. When I turn the car over, my electric speedometer
turns off while cranking and then reboots after I release the button,
similarly, other sensitive electronic gizmos shut off when during starting.
It seems to me that this means that there is significant voltage drop at the
fusebox during starting. As I see it, this has one of 4 causes, my question
is, which one is the most likely culprit?
1. The battery cable is too small. It is 4ga welder ground cable FWIW
2. The cable from starter to fuse box is too small. It is 8ga and is 2 feet
long. This is my most likely culprit for noise, but why does starting the
car affect this? It seems that if 1, 2, and 4 are ok that the starter would
not be robbing this cable of juice.
3. The battery lacks CCA. It is Napa's top of the line Group 26 battery, I
think it was 475CCA
4. The always popular bad ground. I doubt this because connecting jumper
cables from engine to battery (ground) doesn't change anything.
Anyone want to take a stab at this? I have fought noise before but never
won, so I am not looking forward to this.
Thanks in advance everyone,
James Nazarian