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Re: Oh, No! Its the Lucas Legal Team, run.....

Subject: Re: Oh, No! Its the Lucas Legal Team, run.....
From: Eric <>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 15:04:43 +1030 wrote:
> In a message dated 8/16/2003 8:22:38 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> >>> Actually, it's not really that simple.  First of all, how vigorously
> > copyright or >>trademark infringment is.pursued can vary widely
> > (Blah-Blah-Blah...Yada->>Yada...) But it's worth noting that if Lucas is 
>still a functioning
> brand (or even >>a dormant but "maintained" brand like Triumph is), using 
> ..(more woids)
> C'mon Paul,
> We're talking about, what...5 capital letters and a word "LUKAS" that is
> written in a font style and type size most of us probably have on our computer
> anyway.

All that is being said is that it is illegal - do with that information
what you wish.  

No goodwill, good feelings, friendship or fun times on the list is going
to change that basic fact - it is pretty certainly an illegal
infringement on trademark laws.  Trying arguing the "it was only in fun"
argument in court.

Some people may not be aware of trademark laws and might appreciate this 

No one said "don't do it".  Or that they were going to run to the law
with your personal details if you do it.

I have found people who are blithely unaware that 90% of the music they
have downloaded and burnt onto CD has meant they have broken copyright
laws hundreds of times.  I am tired of trying to stop them but at least
now they can't say they weren't aware they were breaking the law.

Infringing on the LUCAS trademark like this would probably fall in the
lowest of the low range on my copyright and trademark care-factor scale
(but that doesn't stop it probably being illegal).

Adelaide, South Australia

"Nothing overshadows truth so completely as authority"

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