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Re: non-lbc --- Netscape 7 ??

To: "David Breneman" <>
Subject: Re: non-lbc --- Netscape 7 ??
From: Tab Julius <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 13:49:50 -0500
Regardless, it still doesn't fix the problem in N7, in which the UI itself 
(not just the page) fails to redraw.  In N7 (and possibly N6) the UI is 
based on the Gecko engine (the page renderer).  Unfortunately you have to 
pretty much reboot the machine to clear the problem.  This just happened 
again today and I tried the shift-redraw trick, which redrew the page (but 
scrolling down and up will do the same thing), but the UI remained 
un-updated.  Also, once the problem occurs, it seems to persist.

I've never heard of Galeon, but will check it out.

Anyway, that's enough MG bandwidth, except that it makes checking out MG 
sites more difficult when it's acting up.  But out of principle, if nothing 
else, I refuse to use IE.

- Tab

At 01:05 PM 1/27/03, David Breneman wrote:
>Dave Yealy SEZ -
> > If you hold the LEFT SHIFT button down when you click REFRESH it will
> > totally refresh the page instead of pulling the graphics from the cache.
> > This has been a know workaround with Netscape since version 3.X it should
> > still work with version 7. I know it worked with version 6.
>This isn't a bug, it's a feature!  :-)  Netscape will retrieve page
>components from cache unless it believes there's been an update since
>the last access.  That's intended to speed download times on low-
>bandwidth connections.  <SHIFT><REFRESH> will force a download of
>everything.  But there's no difference between <SHIFT> buttons.
>Either one sends the same signal to the terminal/PC/workstation.
>I've found that Galeon is more efficient than Netscape.  They
>are both derived from the Mozilla source, so they're almost
>identical in appearance and operation, but Galeon seems to run
>a lot more efficiently.

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