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Re: non-lbc --- Netscape 7 ??

Subject: Re: non-lbc --- Netscape 7 ??
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 10:05:08 -0800 (PST)
Dave Yealy SEZ -
> If you hold the LEFT SHIFT button down when you click REFRESH it will
> totally refresh the page instead of pulling the graphics from the cache.
> This has been a know workaround with Netscape since version 3.X it should
> still work with version 7. I know it worked with version 6.

This isn't a bug, it's a feature!  :-)  Netscape will retrieve page
components from cache unless it believes there's been an update since
the last access.  That's intended to speed download times on low-
bandwidth connections.  <SHIFT><REFRESH> will force a download of
everything.  But there's no difference between <SHIFT> buttons.
Either one sends the same signal to the terminal/PC/workstation.

I've found that Galeon is more efficient than Netscape.  They
are both derived from the Mozilla source, so they're almost 
identical in appearance and operation, but Galeon seems to run
a lot more efficiently.

David Breneman                   | "Before there were CDs there were
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst  |  records, and before there were
Airborne Express, Inc.           |  records, there were 78s."      |                  --- Seen on eBay

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