I am down to fine tuning the motor in my 1980 B, which I totally rebuilt
over the winter. Thanks to Lawrie I now know which way to turn the
special ZS carb adjusting tool for leaning and enriching the mixture. I
am a little confused however when I attempt to follow the instructions
provided by John Twist, whom we all agree is one of the gurus (along
with our own Lawrie) of MG repair, on page 85 of the MGB 16 Moss
Catalogue. At the top of Twist's guidlines is the sentence, ""Lift the
piston slightly. If the idle speed rises...etc". That is great and it
assumes the engine is running or how else can the the idle speed vary at
all? To lift the piston in the ZS carb entails removal of the air
cleaner to allow access to the piston. Now my confusion, at the bottom
of those same guidelines (Item #3 under "Running Lean") there is a line,
"The Stromberg carburretted MGB will not run with the air cleaner
removed...." OK, what did I miss? Let the flaming begin....
Frank "Swamp Yankee" Krajewski
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