I haven't tried this, but I intend to this year. I've got a leak anyway.
Max Heim wrote:
> on 3/17/02 12:59 PM, Mike Razor at mrazor@mis.net wrote:
>>Went on the first club outing this weekend and of course the weather turned
>>nasty the night before, was in the 70s on Thursday and only got to 40 on the
>>day of the trip.
>>Anyway, the hamster breath heater in the MGB was running at its peak
>>performance and we were still pretty cold. It did generate enough heat to
>>clear the windscreen and at times would run warmer than at others. Seems as
>>we cruised at highway speed the air temp it was putting out would drop to a
>>very chilly blow and if we idled for a while or climbed a good size hill it
>>would turn tepid warm again.
> That's exactly what one would expect. A 195 degree thermostat would help if
> you aren't running one, of course. But the real solution for winter driving
> is to block off part of the radiator so that it doesn't super-cool the
> coolant at highway speeds. It's nothing to do with the heater itself, really
> (though the valve design could certainly be improved) -- it's the engine
> temperature running cool. I used to keep in the trunk a small piece of
> cardboard cut to fit neatly in front of the radiator, kind of snapped
> between the lip on the top and bottom tanks, with about 50% coverage. But it
> so very seldom gets that cold around here that I haven't bothered lately.
> But maybe some Snow Belt dwellers have better solutions...
>>I would like to get the heater to work better, if it is at all possible.
>>Barring that I am looking at alternative solutions for heat. While at the
>>local AdvanceAuto store I spotted a ceramic heater that works off 12 volts
>>via the cig lighter. It said on the box it pulled 150 watts and put out 550
>>BTU. I wonder if the wiring and fuses will handle that.
> I wouldn't bet on it. That's 12.5 amps...
>>My US old car guys
>>said they use these stadium warmers that you stick in the microwave. I
>>don't think I can convince my wife that the heater is doing a great job and
>>she must be getting ill. Tried that all the way up and back.
> --
> Max Heim
> '66 MGB GHN3L76149
> If you're near Mountain View, CA,
> it's the primer red one with chrome wires
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