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Re: Was are MGBs reliable drivers, now going to the dogs

Subject: Re: Was are MGBs reliable drivers, now going to the dogs
From: Eric <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 08:55:59 +1030
Neil Cotty wrote:
> >My Viszla loves to ride in my B.  His butt is on the seat, paws on the
> dash,
> So did my Vizsla (!), he used to ride in my MGA but I always had to tie him
> in - somehow! The doors being so low on the A he'd always try and jump out
> at some inopportune moment! <G>

My red heeler loves to ride in my 'B but as with Neil's Viszla (!) I
have to tie her down tight (leash around the seat rail) so that she can
just comfortably rest her chin on the top of the door otherwise she
would eject herself from the car at the first sign of some hunky bloke
dog (or little fluffy 'meal' of a pseudo-dog).  I tried the 'dog
harness' but she tended to try ti 'spin around' in her seat and ended up
tying herself in knots and complaining about it just when I found myself
doing 50mph on a road with no exits for many miles.

> Sure they aren't an econobox drive-it-by-wire,
> fall asleep at the wheel I'm sooo booorrred type car, <G> but the fun they
> give you makes up for the occasional non essential modern car luxuries! :)

Last year (and coming up again in June this year) I had to drive nine
hours flat out (because I was running late) interstate to a race meeting
weekend.  It was wet and windy and I have to drive with no top.  

With my 'rally jacket' on, jacket hood up to stop the cold wind hitting
me in the back of my head, and travelling at 70mph for most of the trip,
it was a hoot.  I got there at almost ten o'clock at night, dry as a
bone (really heavy rain at times - but 70mph keeps it out of the
interior) and tired but exhilarated.  

Driving an "econobox drive-it-by-wire, fall asleep at the wheel I'm sooo
booorrred type car" for nine hours straight in that weather would have
been terrible and I probably would arranged to stop somewhere for the
night or fall asleep on the move.

A long trip was turned into a classic journey - and something wins me a
few drinks at the car club bar!

Adelaide, South Australia

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