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Re: Was are MGBs reliable drivers, now going to the dogs

To: "Maynard Hirsch" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Was are MGBs reliable drivers, now going to the dogs
From: "David Hill" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:10:44 -0000
Don't know about doggy bone domes but they do make in-car harnesses for
dogs, in the UK at least.

BTW My long-gone flat-coated retriever, Spot, used to ride in the back of my
'73 Midget. OK with the top down, witrh the hood up, there was no rear
vision and the rear window used to bulge a bit. With the hardtop on? No


Dave Hill

> My Viszla loves to ride in my B.  His butt is on the seat, paws on the
> head above the windscreen.
> BTW, does anyone make a helmet for a dog?
> Maynard Hirsch

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