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CODE RED WORM (NO LBC - delete, don't flame)

Subject: CODE RED WORM (NO LBC - delete, don't flame)
From: Eric <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 11:09:41 +0930
OK, we own little old MGs so we must accept that rules are there to be
broken - so I will break my own.  We also all have Internet access, so
this may be of interest to some.

Hopefully if you ain't interested, you ain't reading this.

For those interested in what is happening to their connectivity and the
junk that is piling up in their mail boxes (and screwing around with
their computers), the following is a little page of links that point to
representations of the spread of the CODE RED virus/worm.  Choose your
poison then click on the appropriate link.

The 13.4MB Quicktime movie is worth the wait - if you have the time,
bandwidth and interest.

Thank you,

Adelaide, South Australia

/// mailing list
///  (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)

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