That did it. Thanks. I didn't realize removing
the tach would be so easy. It's a lot easier than
the speedometer because of that dreaded blade
sticking down, also known as the bracket for the
trip reset knob.
Now I have a full set of working gages.
What would make the speedometer needle wiggle at
speed. It gets bad at about 50 mph but I didn't
get up any faster than that. I seem to remember
it would get worse where at 70 it looks like
you're going anywhere between 50 and 90.
Bob Howard wrote:
> Tyson,
> The leak at the oil pressure gauge may be nothing more than the nut
> being loose one flat. Try tightening it (gently) before you go to the
> effort of removing the gauge.
> Removing the tach is the first step, but it is not difficult, and then
> you have reasonable access to the back of the oil pressure gauge.
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