I've bought a few MGB parts and a few air-cooled VW parts through
eBay without incident (so far). You REALLY have to know your
retail prices, because sometimes the bidders just go crazy and
price goes out of sight. MGB parts seem to go at lower prices than
VW parts, perhaps because we B owners are more mature and
thriftier (and there are fewer of us). Shipping coast to coast can
really eat up your savings on heavier items, too. I recently bought a
set of rubber mats for quite a low price, but the cost of shipping
them from the east coast to the Seattle area sent the price over
what I could have bought them for from my usual Moss reseller in
northern California. There were some show-chrome bumpers and
over-riders on eBay last week that I would really like to have bid on,
but I suspect the shipping cost would be half again as much as the
bumpers. The real deal is on small, light-weight parts, such as a
brand new, 7 blade, plastic fan I got for half retail and only $4
Jerry Causey
> I am continually hearing of prices on eBay being MUCH higher than that
> charged by many of the parts suppliers. My experience was that window
> seals for the MGB GT went for something outrageous like US$110 and I was
> getting them for CAN$27 !!
/// mgs@autox.team.net mailing list
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)