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Re: intermittant miss at 3500 rpm MGA 1600

To: "Gordie's garage" <>,
Subject: Re: intermittant miss at 3500 rpm MGA 1600
From: "DenverD" <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 05:43:50 +0200
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 14:44:45 -0400, Gordie's garage wrote:

>Trying to help out our friend Jeff Zorn here.  So far have replaced rotor,
>cap, and enrichened the front carb by 2 flats.  He says it only happens at
>3500rpm (regardless of gear) and that it is intermittant.  He is running a
>Pertronix of course.  Next is the wires and the ends.
>Any other thoughts?
>Oh, BTW, he just had the engine rebuilt as some of you may know.

maybe peek at

DenverD - A Texan in Denmark
65B # GHN3L/33680; engine 18V581-H193 

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