Hi Gang,
This has been a really interesting discussion for me.
Thank you all! Now that we have this whole SU float
chamber float adjustment, etc., issue out into the open
we can also discuss what happens when the car is
MOVING! Everything we have said so far is for the
quazi-static state -- the tweaking in the garage state.
Interestingly enough, accelerating enriches the mixture
on the front carb and leans it on the rear carb, again
discussing SU HS4s. This is perhaps not really an issue
as there is a balance pipe in the stock inlet manifold. We
also perhaps do not accelerate quite hard enough to make
that an issue. Then again, 94bhp is pretty cool!
On my Ferrari 308, the DCNF Webers, yep, four dual
Webers, are arranged so as to minimize mixture variation
caused by the motion of the car. But even with that
criteria taken into account in the design, they STILL lean
out in a hard, sweeping turn under full throttle -- the only
attitude on the Ferrari that gives TOTAL enjoyment. :-)
I can live with a little leanness.
Best regards,
Rick Lindsay
Diamond Geoscience Research
5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
Voice: +1 918-747-3456
Fax: +1 918-747-8599