Max Heim wrote:
> That was a good write-up, and I think your proposed experiment would be very
> valuable, but it still seems to me that the float bowl fuel level does not
> directly affect mixture richness, in that it is modulated by the needle. I
> mean, in extreme cases, float bowl fuel level can cause starvation, or
> flooding, but in between those extremes, the amount of fuel supplied to the
> carburetors is modulated by jet/needle annulus, as you said. Possibly the
> "mean" between the two extremes is a very small range, however, and any
> insight your experiment gives into that would be useful.
Thanks. In my admittedly limited experience, I have found that the float,
or fuel level does affect the mixture because it influences how easily the
fuel can be drawn into the venturi (remember, there is no air flow up the
jet to carry the fuel). It's one of those magic things that is hard to model.
With respect to the needle, jet and the associated annulus, the effect of
the fuel position in the jet is, as you say, not an issue in the metering of
the air/fuel ratio.
Rick Lindsay
Diamond Geoscience Research
5727 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa, OK
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