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Re: In search of Better Brakes...

Subject: Re: In search of Better Brakes...
From: Eric <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:38:12 +0000
James Nazarian Jr wrote:
> I'm curious, does it involve greater downforce, larger tires, and 
> lighter weight?
> > but it will double the braking power of a standard system.
> >

Yep, I am confused about this 'braking power', as displayed the other
day, when I press down on my brake pedal, the 'braking power' or rather
the 'stopping power' is up to me.  Either I can judge the 'point of no
return' grip between my tyres and the road correctly and therefore stop
quickly, or I can misjudge this and lock up the wheels, sliding to a
halt further down the road (in a foul-smelling cloud of brakes and

My brakes easily stop my wheels going around but this has no relation to
how quickly the car stops moving in a forward (or rearward... or
sidward) direction.

Or am I missing something here?


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