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Re: starting problem

To: Rick Sinclair <>
Subject: Re: starting problem
From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 20:22:12 -0400
Rick Sinclair wrote:
> I am having some trouble Starting my '68 MGB. I just converted it from
> 2 six volts to 1 12, and I flushed the radiator and gapped the plugs.
> I got some starting fluid, sprayed some in the radiator, and turned
> the key. It cranked, sputtered a bit, and then just cranked some more.
> More starter fluid, and then cranked it. It didn't even sputter. There
> is gass on the plugs, and they are sparking. Please Help!!!
> Rory Sinclair

Rory - why on earth would you spray ether (starting fluid) in the
radiator????? No wonder it didnt sputter!!



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