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"New" 67 MGB

To: <>
Subject: "New" 67 MGB
From: "Tony Woodruff" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 07:15:24 -0700
Wanted to offer thanks to those of you that offered advice, last evening I 
purchased a 67 MGB Roadster.

Now I have a question for the group.

I believe the engine to be original to the car, but the numbers don't match.  
Should they?

The car number is GHN3L 95234 - Late 1966 - Early 1967 production according to 
my "sources"
The engine number is 18GB-U-H 48487 - ???  If a car number this would be a 
64-65 type engine?  Could this actually be a 3-bearing older engine?  
Additionally, I do know that the transmission is one of the later 1967 synchro 
models and isn't original.

I do have a GT Parts car available (I'll probably go ahead and get it) with 
another supposedly "original" engine and transmission, as well as various other 
good parts.

Any help in figuring this out will be greatly appreciated!

- Tony Woodruff - 

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