1. It is very easy to knock a car off jack stands when installing an
engine. There is no way to safely move the engine within the bay without
the danger of pulling the stands over. For a first timer I must suggest
strongly that you have wheels under at least the rear of the car, and a
spotter to keep an eye on the stands.
2. With the hood support undone, you can tie a rope to the hood latch
spring, run it over the car and hook it to the trunk lid handle. The hood
can then carefully be pulled almost vertical. This will give enough
clearance to put the engine back. This rope trick comes in handy for most
underhood maintenance. Realigning the hood after removal is best done by 2
people, so I make it a point to leave it in place.
3. Enrique, I can't remember what year your car is. Pre 77, I'm not sure
if it is possible to leave the rad in place. Certainly much easier to pull
it than to work around it. Post 77 which I'm guessing you have. The motor
mount bolts are a pain to deal with. Any extra access would be helpful.
Pulling the radiator is a 5 minute job.
Hope this helps
> >1. My car is on stands on all four. Should I leave it this way?
> >2. Is it necessary to remove the hood?
> >3. Is it necessary to remove the radiator? it is installed.
> >
> >Thanks for the help, Enrique