Here is the updated list. Quite a crowd.
Please note, I have no idea where Rick is planning to have me
set-up. Hopefully close to the MGB lines, as that is what I will be
If you are out there Rick, any input before I leave (5pm).
Larry Colen Primrose 69 BGT race car
Ron Englehardt Driving a truck, owns a 58 MGA (we have
to compare notes)
Michael Perry With Lisa's 72 burgandy/silver MG Midget
Dennis Cox Maybe, 67 Primrose MGB with new engine
Chris Attias 64 tatty black MGB with roll bar
Rich Hill and family on foot.
Bob Jasinski 79 MGB white/black (congratulations)
Rafaela 70 Orange BGT
Simon Mathews 57 Green MGA WW
Justin Lehrer 79 Red MGB
Nina Barton on foot
Max Heim conspicuous by his absence, being keelhauled.
I am really looking forward to meeting you'all.