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Re: Miscellaneous Grumblings

Subject: Re: Miscellaneous Grumblings
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 06:32:20 EDT
Don't know if I should tell this or not - but here goes. Several years 
ago we went on a camping trip up in the mountains. We were near a 
swimming pond. After indulging in some swimming and some beverages I fell 
asleep near the pond. When I awoke I found that I had slept with my arms 
crossed over my stomach. I had the DIver Down look as well. Red on the 
chest, white on the belly and an itty bitty red stripe right at the top 
of my shorts. 

So I can't laugh TOO much Thomas.

>>>>On 7/28/99 10:18 PM so and so (Thomas James Pokrefke, III) said. (And I 

>I just got back from visiting my sister, her husband, and my newly-born
>nephew (my first such neice/nephew).  I elected to take the MGB on the
>3.5 hour trip to her home.  I thought I would share some wisdom and/or
>humor I gleaned from my trip:
>1.  NEVER, EVER, EVER drive your MGB in a heatwave without a shirt
>without the prior judicious application of sunblock.  Typically, I would
>advise against shirtless driving anyway, but it was hot, I was driving
>past cotton fields, and I had already sweated through my t-shirt.
>I thought it might be cool things off if I drove minus my shirt.  I
>draped my shirt on the seat back (black vinyl seats in Mississippi?!?),
>buckled my seat belt, and 2 hours later?  Voila!
>Now I am a walking 'diver down' flag.  You know what I'm talking about,
>the white diagonal stripe on the red background.
>Yes, ladies and gentleman, I got a nice lobster-red sunburn on my chest
>and arms, except where the seatbelt crossed my chest.  My SO hasn't
>stopped laughing yet.
>2.  One day, I'm going to write a book about billboards in front of
>churches.  The one I saw today should probably get 1st place:
>     "And you think it's hot here?"
>3.  My trip home was better than the first leg:  driving on empty
>two-lane country back-roads in the early evening after a thunderstorm. 
>There was an almost phsychadelic (sp? - you can tell I never did drugs)
>yellow haze over the landscape.  T'was very rewarding.
>Thomas James Pokrefke, III
>1970 MGB

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have for windows or 

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