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Subject: Re: WHEEL PAINT
From: Tim Nagy <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 22:17:56 -0400
Be sure to clean them well before and wire brush off all th eloose
crud.  Wipe down with mineral spritis, until you get good and clean. 
Let dry really well-compressor is real handy now.  Heck eveny try a
power washer, car wash, on them first.  That might save some elbow

Lots of masking tape and newspaper.  Mask of both sides, and
over(under)spray. Will get on the back of the tires, yuck.  If they are
wires, spray the bacl first, and whire still wet, flip over and do the
front.  That way, if it's going to drip or run, it will do towards the
back, where you are less likely to see.

let dry a good long time, pull off the tape.  If you did get paint on
the tire, an xacto knife can gently scuff the paint off.

As for what paint, I'll let someone else help you there, been too many

We'll want before and after pics!


I used to spray my wores every spring with a good silver spray paint. wrote:
> I would like to paint my wheels with the tires on. Can someone give me
> guidance?
> What paint should I use?
> 57 MGA Roadster.
> Thanks,

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