Bizzarre - I've never had this problem with my '71B in the 3 years I've had
it, but mine started doing the same exact thing 2 days ago... ??? I've no
clue what it is, but the symptoms are as you all have described.
Reply to:
Alan Lott
GTA, Auburn Univeristy
Department of Rehabilitation and Special Education
My Office- (334) 844-2092
Department- (334) 844-5943
Fax- (334) 844-2080
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Trevor Boicey
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 1999 8:18 PM
To: Bob Howard
Subject: Re: No E-Power
Bob Howard wrote:
> Chris,
> A battery in my '75 ( the 75s used a single 12v) would get corrosion on
> one post all the time, and I had that same sort of go/no go situation. It
> was so annoying!!!! It was always the same terminal. I'd take the
> connection apart and it would appear clean. I'd grease it and reassemble,
> and it would work fine until the next time that it didn't work fine. I
> finally bought a new battery. The problem never recurred in the next six
> years I had the car. Beats me why it happened at all.
That's reassuring. I have this problem with my 75 Midget,
and I just can't lick it.
About once a month, I turn the key and "click". It's
so routine now, I can clean the connection and be running
again in a couple of minutes, but it's still inconvenient
and sometimes embarrassing.
I've tried all the greases and stuff known to man,
still happens.
Oh well, the battery is very old, it can't last
forever and then maybe it'll go away.
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
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