Don Cobb wrote:
> What is the lists opinion when it comes to the best carburetor for
> the MG?
... and should I drop the tailshaft when towing.
OK.. from an absolute newbie to this game I can only quote from limited
experience but... out of SIX MGs test driven. Four had Webers and two
had SU's.
Maybe there is a mindset with those that install Webers but all of those
so fitted drove like... a truck. Heavy to handle and heavy on the
throttle - there was no way I could drive them 'smoothly', that is,
accelerate smoothly... leaving me feeling a little stressed by the end
of the drive. I was constantly thinking about how to get that smooth
transition between throttle and no throttle (gear changes... traffic
lights... slow cars) I found a frightening 'pause' when stamping on the
throttle when I went to pass a car on a single lane hill roadway.
None of the SU fitted cars reacted that way but they felt like they had
a tad less 'grunt' as well.
So, listers... are these first impressions correct or did I just catch a
bad batch? I bought my little yellow beast WITHOUT Webers BECAUSE of
this impression.