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Re: Antenna access

To: Art Pfenninger <>
Subject: Re: Antenna access
From: Bud Krueger <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 18:17:26 -0800
Hi Art,

     Thanks for the response.  I still have to get inside of the compartment to 
get at the
big nut.  Another problem is that the antenna won't fully retract, so it's 
heading for the
world of replacement.  Thanks for the tip about Harbor Freight.

Bud Krueger

Art Pfenninger wrote:

> If it is a normal antenna then to tighten it all you do it turn the large
> nut at the base of it. All antenna's except the power ones are ment to be
> installed from the outside of the car. If you do go with the power antenna
> Harbor Freight sells them for about $17 dollars.
> ...Art

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