>First, when cold, the car should start and die as soon as you let the choke
>go! If it will run when cold without choke, then the mixture is set too
Yes you are right, perhaps I didn't leave it to warm up enough. The car used
to start without any choke - obviously set over rich! Because of my choke
linkage problem it's hard to hang on to the linkage by hand for 5 minutes!
<G> Tonight I'll let it warm up, screw up the idles a bit (because of no
choke linkage) and see if it will take no choke. If it doesn't I'm
suspecting an air leak somewhere. The fumes escaping from the exhaust
manifold after the first run has me worried, maybe the intake manifold just
isn't tight enough. I thought I tightened it quite firmly, but I didn't
tighten it with all my strength. I don't own a torque wrench - yet - so it's
impossible to see if I've tightened it to factory specs. A must purchase I
think. I was going to buy one when it came around to removing the Engine for
rebuilding. I'll need it anyways for the head gasket on my A. @##(&@^!&^!!!!
>As to the difficulty of operation the choke, are you sure you connected the
>linkage properly? The link actually goes on the "wrong" side of the jet, in
>that the screw comes in from the float bowl side. It looks awkward and is
Pretty sure. The screw that connects the linkage to the bottom of the Jet
are facing the float bowl side.
>forward air cleaner. If your cable goes any way other than this, it will
>result in a hard pull.
Nope it's connected exactly as you say. I'm stumped on this one. Maybe I
have a problem with the cable itself. It was always a b***** to pull out.
I've gone over the video and everything is connected correctly carb wise.
Thanks for your help Lawrie. :)
Neil Cotty - Sydney, Australia
1970 MG B GT / 1959 MG A 1600 Mk1