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LONG Fw: RX-7 Mailing List Posting Form(NO MG)

To: <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: LONG Fw: RX-7 Mailing List Posting Form(NO MG)
From: "Dan Ray" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 1998 18:23:04 -0500
Hey! We're not the only ones! this on the "just4laughs" joke list. I
have niether the time nor inclination to insert the appropriate names/terms,
but it IS quite fitting and funny.

>                      RX-7 Mailing List Posting Form
>                            <Quite Funny>
>This was written for the Internet mailing list for RX-7s.  If you have
>ever subscribed to one of these lists, you know how much bandwidth the
>wankers on the list waste.  You may not know what some of the RX-7
>stuff is, or who some of the people are, but a lot of it applies to
>almost any list.  You could probably even adapt it for a lot of other
>                               RX-7 Mailing List
>                                 Posting Form
>    I am posting for the purpose of:
>    [ ] Rehashing a topic that was beaten to death two months ago
>    [ ] Bragging about the size of my package
>    [ ] Dispersing non-RX-7 content
>    [ ] Demonstrating a lack of knowledge of punctuation or grammar
>        (also known as showing I am a super-deaf!!!!!!!,
>        cold-chillin'!!!!!, super-slamming!!!!! bad-@ss m****
>        f*****!!!!!?????!!!!!!)
>    [ ] Showing I can't read an FAQ [ ] Inciting every single other list
>    member to send a "me too" message [ ] Selling overpriced used parts [
>    ] Advertising stuff my RX-7 business is selling, despite the fact
>        that it is against list policy
>    [ ] Demonstrating that I don't know the difference between a G-Tech
>        and a G-spot (or how to use either)
>    [ ] Demonstrating that I just got email capability, and boy is it
>        cool!  (or kewl or kewel or whatever)
>    [ ] Sending a joke that's been around forever
>    [ ] Complaining about someone else's waste of bandwidth or lack of
>    RX-7
>        content while contributing nothing myself
>    The subject is:
>    [ ]   Virus (hoax)
>    [ ]   Virus (probably hoax)
>    [ ]   Non-automotive joke
>    [ ]   Favorite song to which to wank
>    [ ]   Those kooky, nutty Brady Bunch kids!
>    [ ]   Incorrectly identified on the subject line
>    [ ]   Not related to the body of the message
>    [ ]   I refuse to use the [1] [2] [3] convention
>    [ ]   How much is my car worth?
>    [ ]   Those really swell Miller Lite commercials by Dick
>    [N/A] RX-7 related
>    [ ]   What's a subject?
>    [ ]   Covered in an FAQ
>    [ ]   Re: Digest #___
>    I am (check all that apply):
>    [ ] An athiest
>    [ ] A democrat
>    [ ] A libertarian
>    [ ] A republican
>    [ ] Not registered to vote
>    [ ] A sixth grade graduate
>    [ ] Contemplating learning how to spell
>    [ ] Paying too much for insurance for my car
>    [ ] Unconcerned that the US government spends more
>        in an hour than I will make in my lifetime
>    [ ] Using this list as a forum for furthering my
>        cause or beliefs
>    [ ] Other______________
>    (Contributed by Felix Miata)
>    The large Kanji character painted on my hood means:
>    [ ] Feel the power in my victory (from an actual ad
>        in Sport Compact Car)
>    [ ] My genitals swell with pride at the machoness
>        of my car
>    [ ] Bite the wax tadpole
>    (No offense to any of our Asian listeners out there.
>    Check out the "Rice Boy" Web site.  An Asian guy
>    created it to make fun of the guys who do all of the
>    "looks" mods to their cars but have no idea how to
>    make a car perform.)
>    I spanked a:
>    [ ] Mustang     [ ] Corvette    [ ] Trans Am    [ ] 300Z
>    [ ] Camaro      [ ] Porsche     [ ] '73 Pinto   [ ] Viper
>    [ ] NSX         [ ] Myself      [ ] Other _____________
>    by:  [ ] 1 car length   [ ] 2 car lengths       [ ] 3+ car lengths
>    My car is faster than:
>    [ ] Jim LaBreck [ ] Brooks Weisblat     [ ] Carlos Iglesias
>    [ ] Trev's      [ ] Kevin's             [ ] Adam's
>    (contributed by Carl Houseman)
>    My car gets the following miles to the gallon:
>    [ ]  0 -  5
>    [ ]  6 - 10
>    [ ] 11 - 15
>    [ ] 16 - 20
>    [ ] 20+
>    My car has the following miles on the clock:
>    [ ]        0 - 10,000
>    [ ]   10,001 - 50,000
>    [ ]   50,001 - 100,000
>    [ ]  100,001+
>    I got a speeding ticket for:
>    [ ] 10 over
>    [ ] 20 over
>    [ ] 30 over
>    [ ] I am posting from a jail cell
>    My favorite nickname for a Mustang is:
>    [ ] Rustang     [ ] Mufftang
>    [ ] Mustank     [ ] Other _________
>    I named my:
>    [ ] Car         [ ] Right hand
>    [ ] Unit        [ ] Tools
>    My car's color is:
>    [ ] White       [ ] Black       [ ] Grey        [ ] Blue
>    [ ] Yellow      [ ] Red         [ ] Several of the above
>    [ ] All of the above            [ ] Other _____________
>    [ ] an important determinant of how quickly my car can do the 1/4 mile
>    (Felix Miata contributed this one)
>    I would like to take your time to flame:
>    [ ] Kevin               [ ] John        [ ] Tuck
>    [ ] Robert Eaton        [ ] Jim LaBreck
>    [ ] Other _____________
>    (Insert standard flame here.  Non-standard flames are not acceptable.)
>    [X] My computer will not send mail containing flames
>        directly to the individual; only to the list
>    The new RX-7 will be (choose one from each column):
>    [ ] a '98     [ ] based on the RX-01          [ ] I have no solid info
>    [ ] a '99     [ ] a re-intro of the 3rd gen       but will post anyway
>    [ ] a '00     [ ] a rotary Miata
>    My favorite song to which to, uh, ahem, ummm, drive is:
>    [ ] Anything by Vanilla Ice
>    [ ] By an artist that is so cool I am sure you have
>        not heard of him/her
>    [ ] I Touch Myself, by the DiVinyls
>    My stereo:
>    [ ] Can be heard by cars 1/3 mile in front of or behind me
>    [ ] Requires several extra alternators on my engine
>    [ ] Goes to eleven
>    (some contributed by Felix Miata)
>    I am including:
>    [ ] Forwarded text not marked with the ">" convention to
>        designate included text
>    [ ] The entire post to which I am replying, including
>        non-relevant content
>    [ ] The entire digest version of the day's mailings
>    [ ] The contents of my disk drive
>    [ ] The contents of our LAN file server
>    [ ] An archive of the entire Internet
>    It will be in the following format:
>    [ ] HTML for those who do not have mail readers capable of it
>    [ ] One copy each of the same message in Text and HTML
>    [ ] uuencoded
>    [ ] Audio, video, and other non-text formats
>    [ ] All of the above, with a few GIFs and JPEGs for good measure
>    Adam is:
>    [ ] A farmer    [ ] A rich boy          [ ] A jagoff
>    [ ] Spoiled     [ ] Given an allowance  [ ] All of the above
>    Subscription:
>    [ ] How do I unsubscribe
>    [ ] Help! How do I unsubscribe
>    [ ] How do I get off this list
>    [ ] I didn't save the first message I received telling me how to
>        unsubscribe, even though it said to save it
>    [ ] I didn't read the message at the bottom of each posting I
>        receive that tells me where to send administrative requests
>    [ ] Extra copies of how to subscribe/unsubscribe to the list
>    My tires have been on my car:
>    [ ] under 10,000 miles
>    [ ] 10,000 - 20,000 miles
>    [ ] 20,001 - 30,000 miles
>    [ ] 30,001 - 40,000 miles
>    [ ] 40,001 - 50,000 miles
>    [ ] over 50,000 miles
>    [ ] I don't know
>    Microsoft:
>    [ ] Sucks
>    [ ] Does not
>    [ ] Does too
>    [ ] Does not
>    My exhaust tip is:
>    [ ] The size of a manhole cover
>    [ ] Bigger than yours
>    [ ] Is not
>    [ ] Is too
>    [ ] Is not
>    [ ] Mine has two tips!
>    Me too!!!!:
>    [ ] I love Boy George too!!!!
>    [ ] I can't drive 55 either!!!!
>    [ ] I hate Mustangs, too!!!!!
>    [ ] I want to say piss-tons, too!!!
>    [ ] I don't want to add useful information or
>        discussion to this list either!!!
>    Miscellaneous:
>    [ ] Nitto tires         [ ] Nology wires        [ ] Slick 50
>    [ ] Snake oil           [ ] Me too!!!!
>    [ ] How much is a new engine
>    About This Checklist (must choose one):
>    [ ] This checklist doesn't apply to me (and I am including
>        it in its entirety to prove it)
>    [ ] This checklist offends me (but doesn't apply to me)
>    [ ] I was touching myself while I surfed the 'net for nudie
>        pictures and found this form by mistake
>    Signature:
>    [ ] HTML for those who do not have email readers capable of it
>    [ ] Much bigger than my actual post (not counting the entire
>        digest which I included)
>    [ ] An audio file
>    [ ] Racist, sexist, or offensive to certain religions
>    [ ] The entire bill of materials required to build an RX-7
>        down to the smallest nuts and bolts
>     _________________________
>     Guidlines for posting:
>     o  Please discontinue the posting of original content.
>     o  Only submit via this form.
>     o  Please include this checklist in its entirety.  Do not
>        delete non-relevant portions.
>     o  List members must submit this form at least four times
>        per day.  Do not change responses from post to post.
>     o  All responses will be tallied, analyzed, and collated,
>        but no useful statistics will be given.  Instead, all posts
>        will be forwarded in their entirety to each member of the list.

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