Rich Mason wrote:
> You've got my vote for 20W50 motor oil as being suitable for our trannies,
> carb dampers,
> Rich Mason
> '73 MGB
Correct for BMC MG's with the 'A' and 'B' series gearboxes with their
gear tooth profile, BUT ****WRONG***** for those MG's that use the
Leyland gearbox with their tooth profile, and those MG's with the
pre-1956 NUFFIELD gearbox.
ie, ZA,ZB,MGA,MGB,MGC,Mk3 & Mk4, and Midgets up to the 1500, all use
engine oil in their gearbox.( SAE 20/50)
But, TA,TB,TC,TD,TF,YA,YB, MGB V8, and 1500 Midgets use gear oil.(
This list does seem to assume that the only MG's are the MGA & MGB
sometimes. Many other owners read and contribute to it.