On Thu, 16 Jul 1998 22:18:18 -0800 Daniel Pruett <jpruett@tfb.com>
>The gun racks fit nicely on the roll bar with a few mods and the
>Confederate Flag waves where the useless (well in my case) antenna
>Daniel Pruett
>p.s. I don't really have a gun rack and such, but I am from the South
>and I'd rather be a hick than some Yank. ;-)
Here we lack several things, to wit: high crime rates, high income and
property taxes, high insurance rates, and smog programs. For some
reason, we don't mind.
Fortunately, we don't need gun racks, as we generally just carry our
weapons concealed. As to Confederate flags, ours are located in the
State Capitol Building and the State Historical Musueum where they were
placed after the 34th Iowa Infantry, et. al., captured them.
You know, y'all are awful proud of a war you lost..... ; )
Iowa: It ain't heaven, but that's just a local call away!
(who states affirmatively that 'hick' is a term used used by those who
neither appreciate nor understand the quality aspects of rural life, and
who is seriously considering donning his kickers, firing up the Case, and
plowing under dissenting parties)