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To: mg <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: YIKES!!!!!
From: Becky Mahoney <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 06:43:52 -0500
I just did a dumb thing......I added up all my receipts for purchase of
69 MGB, parts, paint, etc.....$9172!!!!!!  To me this is a fantastic
example of 'ignorance is bliss'!!!!  Wish I didn't know now what I
didn't know then.......And I'm not done yet!!!!!  I STILL don't have my
dash back.  The guy 'promised' me that he would have it here to me by
last Friday.  Yeah, right!  I sent him an e-mail Friday and asked him
when he was going to ship and I still haven't heard back from him.  I
really would like to drive this beauty real soon.... I'm going to have
to sit in my car and have someone push me around the block pretty soon
if I don't get the dash back.  And I guarantee...I'll have the biggest
smile you've ever seen.  Wonder how much the SO will be smiling as he's
pushing????  (he did say he'd do anything for me!!! ;~)  

This fall I plan on rebuilding engine and gearbox....
Does anyone out there have any idea what parts for rebuild on engine and
gearbox are...approx????  I want to replace the head with no-lead
conversion.  Is there anything I have to send out to have done
(machined???) when I do that?  If so, what is the typical cost for
that?  Now that I'm over the initial shock...I think I can handle this

Anyway guys and gals....thanks for your help and support.  This list is
the 'BESTEST'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

69MGB roadster.....STILL just a dash away!

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