At 07:34 PM 6/22/98 -0400, you wrote:
>It was good to finally meet you at the club picnic - glad you joined
>the club. How'd ya like out little picnic anyway ? One thing this club
>does right is put on a great feed - Filet Mignon, Salmon, blood pudding
>(yuck), etc
>Anyways was nice to finally find out where your email name baldy comes
>from !!
Yes, Rick, the picnic was great... blood pudding... is that what it was?
Next time I'll suggest scones and Cornish Clotted Cream. I tried it in
Cornwall many years ago, and it's de-lish-is! (Blood pudding and clotted
cream... sounds like Olde English Dungeon faire.)
Dave Iwansky
'62 MGA 1600 MkII