Or, you can just get strong, undo the nut, and pull the damn steering wheel
off. Always worked for me.
-----Original Message-----
From: PHILIPPE TUSLER [SMTP:TUSLER@mp050.mv.unisys.com]
Sent: Freitag, 05. Juni 1998 21:49
To: MGS%AUTOX.TEAM.NET@mvdns1.mv.Unisys.COM
Subject: RE: Evil Steering Wheel
The technique that worked with Milou was suggested here some time
and is a mixture of some of the ones already suggested:
Remove the hub and unscrew the nut until it is flush with the head
the end of the shaft. Sit in the pilot's seat and use your knees
left hand to pull back on the wheel, putting tension on it. Use
copper or other soft-faced heavy mallet to give a good sharp whack
the center nut/shaft. The wheel will pop right off.
*Philippe Tusler - Mission Viejo, CA | "MILOU" '57 MGA
Roadster *
* | "TINTIN" '66 MG/MGB-GT
*InterNet: Philippe.Tusler@Unisys.Com | N/A '88 ISUZU