The steering wheel can be an absolute B*TCH to get out. I rigged =
my own wheel puller to do it. Essentially it is two braces behind the =
wheel with a flat board in front and a healthy nut/bolt combination =
located so as to be centered over the center of the steering wheel. =
Loosen the nut holding the wheel on to the point where it is within one =
turn of coming off. Then turn the bolt in until it fits into the cup =
formed by the steering wheel nut and the shaft. At some point the =
steering wheel will pop loose. Good luck
Ken Scott
77 MGB (With Moto Lita steering wheel and mahogany dash)
May be seen at
>>> Kevin Richards <> 06/05 2:00 AM >>>
Here's a good one....
I went about replacing my turn signal/hi-lo beam switch on my 77 B..and
silly me, I thought it would be relatively straightforward. WRONGGGGG.
The one large nut, once removed should facilitate the removal of the
steering wheel, and then take care of the switch assembly. This is not
so.No amount of tugging, hammering (gently) or even swearing can get
this one loose.
Am I missing something.....a slide hammer???
Kevin Richards
67B parting out