> >Yesterday I notices that the oil pressure gauge would fluctuate
>> quickly at
>> >times, I generally noticed it at idle. Anything to worry about? Is
it a
>> >symptom of something else?
when you say quickly, I presume that you are saying +/- 2 psi with the
needle moving a couple times a second? This would be quite normal,
I've had a couple of LBC's which have all done this from time to time,
usually at a specific engine RPM. 200 rpm faster or slower would
make the fluctuation go away... I assume that this is due to some
natural frequency in the oil pump / pressure relief system.
>> It's definately something to look into right away. If your
>> pressure is low
>> or the oil's not circulating well, you're asking for major engine
If your definition of "quickly" fluctuating pressure
is 2-3 seconds and +/- 10 or more psi, especially during hard
cornering or braking, you do have a problem that should be looked into
right away. This should not be the case if your oil level is high
assuming you have not modified your oil pump... make sure that your
pressure is above 20psi at idle and below 70psi at speed.
low pressure may indicate a oil or oil pump problem and high pressure
could indicate a blockage problem...