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Re: New MGB GT Owner ( Shorter)

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: New MGB GT Owner ( Shorter)
From: "Jon Årikstad" <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 16:18:56 -0700
I may mix up: 
I have tested a few cars lately, but NOT 'my GT'. Some of them may have
made the sound I was thinking of.

It will be sold with Norwegian MOT, and it's not in Oslo. Just talked to
the VfPO 
( VfPO= Very friendly Present Owner). He said that the only noise from
the rear end, comes
 from the fact that my ears are 20cm from the differential (and the
ground) No whining.
 Will check oil. (I am still trying to lower the price)

Re: O/D speedo cable 18 inch longer.   
I thought that the turning/rotation speed of the wire/cable was the
thing, not the lenght ??

Also new question.
There should be a switch, so it's only possible to use the O/D in 3rd
and 4th gear.
Is it possible to install it on a non-OD car. Where should it be
mounted. ?

A bit of noise ( banging, sort of ) from the lower parts(?) at startup,
according to another 
friend of mine. Went away after oilchange. Also has probably been very
hot, thats why the 
cylinder-head needed a rebuild, we will see. A bit of smoke, carbs need
adjusting according to 
Harald( VfPO)

More questions later.
Will keep you informed.

ca 40-50 Nkr for 1/2 liter(~one pint), ca 7 USdollars ?

Mike wrote:
hehe - we're still trying to get them to spell "colour".....

Who are they, (and who are we / which side should i be on ?)
How do they ( we??) spell it

Jon Arikstad
Member of ' Norsk sportsvogn klubb'
1987 mb
1970 MBG GT
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ wrote:
> On Tue, 12 May 1998 11:38:55 +0200 (MET DST) Jon Arikstad <>
> writes: (snips here and there)
> >Some questions:
> Jon
> Sounds like a lot of twork has been done already, i have no idea about
> prices/values in Norway (last time i was there i recall it was about ten
> US dollars for a beer!) but from the description you seem to have found a
> fairly good one
> >The car had a non O/D gearbox. Now, with the new OD box  the
> >speedomeeter is (I think) very 'optimistic'. Do I change the speedometer
> or can
> >something be done to it. ?
> >
> You need an overdrive speedo cable - they are about 18 inches longer than
> the ordinary ones - a 70 should have a speedo with "1280" in the lower
> right hand corner - if it does, get the correct cable and it will work
> just fine
> >There is a bit of 'whining' noise, I think, from the rear of the car.
> >Somebody told me that this could be because the differential had been
> >running without oil at some time. ( I'm used to 'modern cars, so I'm
> >not sure how much  noise I can expect from a MGB.) Wind noise is there,
> >but max speed in Norway is ~55 Mph anyway.
> >
> Unless its in reverse, whining from the differential is NOT good - drain
> the diff (or have it done) - the fluid should be clear, if there is any
> sign of metal particles youre in trouble!! - refill it and check
> alignment and universal joints - if it still whines, seek a rear end!!
> >No power brakes either of course. How should the brakes feel/be,
> >compared to a more modern car. ?
> Not much comparison, you have to be much more heavy footed than with a
> new car but if correctly adjusted theyll do the job as well as any car on
> the road
> >I plan to use this car as much as possible ( not winter), and I
> >suspect that the engine (cylinders +++)will need an overhaul at some
> time.
> Why? - whats it doing? low oil pressure? compression? smoke?
> >Also, my english may not be perfect.
> Dont worry - clear as a bell - but dont expect much in the way of good
> English on this list - hehe - we're still trying to get them to spell
> "colour".....
> mike robson
> 69 roadster
> 70 BGT
> 72 roadster
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