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Re: Who's a Tractor?

To: mgs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Who's a Tractor?
From: Mark Moburg <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 1998 04:04:57 -0500 (EST)
At 11:10 AM 2/16/98 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 16/02/98 8:39:46 AM EST, writes:
><< >Aren't our engines based on a fire pump engine used in WWII designed 
> >to
> >run 24 hrs a day wide open?
> >Pat
> Hi Pat,
>   I believe you're thinking of the Coventry Climax engine, the little OHC
> engine that grew in size and was used in LBCs.
> Bob >>
>Indeed, the FWA Climax used in the Hillman Pimp.

Hillman "Pimp"??  Now I _have_ heard everything.  

And I thought that the old Car & Driver articles (by Bruce McCall, weren't
they?) about the mythical British car maker, Denbeighs & Sons Successors,
Ltd. had great names.  

Remember their mainstay?  The Denbeighs Super Chauvinist Saloon.  Boy, I'd
like to get my hands on a set of those articles.  I remember laughing until
I cried.

Mark Moburg
Seattle, Washington

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