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Re: Who's a Tractor?

To: Paul Hunt <>
Subject: Re: Who's a Tractor?
From: Kevin Sullivan <>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 14:44:50 -0700 (MST)
On Tue, 17 Feb 1998, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Mike Lishego wrote:  

> > Wasn't the 1800 engine used in the 'B originally intended to see use
> > in a truck?  Or  am I dreaming? 

> That was the MGC.
> PaulH.

And the Viper.  Besides, tractors are cool.  A guy two houses down from me
has a beautiful one.  I'd get one too if I had enough land to use it. 

Kevin Sullivan -- 1960 MGA
Khoral Research Inc.  
Albuquerque NM USA 

1960 MGA
1957 Magnette ZB
no cute little tractor :(

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