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Re: MG trip to England

Subject: Re: MG trip to England
From: (Randell S Kegg)
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 1997 20:53:41 EST
        I have been to England a number of times, and here are my
observations about driving there:
1. The gearshift has the same pattern. Think about it as though you were
shifting your LHD car from the passenger seat.
2. The Pedals are all in the same order as a LHD car. This means that the
gas pedal is to the far right, and is actuated by your right foot.
3. The first half hour is the worst, after that you get used to it.
However, roundabouts (traffic circles) are a special challenge, and
require concentration.  Drivers in the roundabout have the right of way.
4. Traffic outside of London is not usually too hectic, and the  Heritage
Motor Centre at Gaydon is well worth the trip. 
5. Make yourself a little sign with an arrow that says KEEP LEFT, and
stick it on the dash in front of you. 
6. There are pubs in every village.  You won't have any trouble in that
7. On M roads, (their version of interstate highways), the fast lane is
the right lane, and the slow lane is the left lane. Just the opposite
from the US.

Good Luck...........

Randy Kegg
1949 MGTC
1958 MGA
1966 Morris Traveller
(all are RHD, so I do get some practice at home.....)

On Sun, 7 Dec 1997 18:45:40 -0600 DANIEL RAY <>
>I thought about "hiring" (renting, in American, BTW, nudge,wink) an 
>MGF, =
>even for a couple of hours. then I remembered ya'll drive on the other 
>side of the road and I'd hafta shift LEFT HANDED!!!! Hell, are the =
>pedals in the same #!!&%**#!* place??? (gas on the right and clutch on 
>the left?) 8-)
>Don't know how much that might take away from the driving experience, 
>concentrating on all that....not sure you folks would like a damn =
>American (I refuse to use the term "Yank", cuz I'm not one) skittering 
>through the suburbs of London, "all bloody confused and whatnot"...
>Are there any good breweries or pubs in Gaydon? That way, maybe I can 
>get my boss, the Colonel, to go with....he's a homebrew beer =
>fanatic...hmmm...? Not sure about how much of an autophile he 
>is...being =
>that I'm new to the unit.
><sigh>...probably only time for the car dealerships...hehe, wonder how 
>much havoc I can wreak on those poor, unsuspecting salespersons?
>Maybe I can accost some poor Londoner owner of an MGF, or other =
>sprightly LBC, for a spin (in a friendly, albeit typically arrogant =
>American manner. hehe).
>Thanks for the Info!
>From:  Philip Raby
>Sent:  Sunday, December 07, 1997 3:52 PM
>Cc:    'MG List'
>Subject:       RE: MG trip to England=20
>On 7/12/97 5:23 pm DANIEL RAY said
>>I'm going to London on business in January for one week. I'll 
>probably =
>>working most of the time, but if by chance I get some time to 
>explore, =
>>you or any listers have any ideas for LBC places to visit in the 
>London =
>You MUST visit the Heritage Motor Centre at Gaydon, a quick 100 miles 
>up =
>the Motorway from London. Lots of British sports cars including MGs. 
>you =
>could hire an MGF to make the trip. A day would be good, but you could 
>it in half a day if you drive fast ;-)
>Closer to London is Brooklands - the prewar race track. Most of it 
>been built on, but some of the banking remains together with a 
>pleasant, =
>but small, museum.
>In London itself, nothing springs to mind, but you'll find lots of=20
>excellent new and used car dealers.
>Have a good trip.
>Philip Raby

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