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Re: Computer Dweeb Thread (Winter LBC Topic)

To: "John McEwen" <>
Subject: Re: Computer Dweeb Thread (Winter LBC Topic)
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 17:28:22 -0800

Oh, John, now you've gone and got me really upset......Here I was, happily
deleting away all the rubbish about who's computer was the best and you
have to go and touch a nerve. I happen to like green cars with silver
wheels and I don't consider myself boring! (I do, however, appreciate the
clever way you have tried to divert a pointless thread back to something we
can all relate to.........) 


> From: John McEwen <>

> My MG has gold wire wheels.  My car is painted very bright red.  I like
> this because all really fast cars are red with gold wheels.  People who
> drive red cars with gold wheels are exciting.   Silver wheels are boring.
> Green cars are boring.  People who drive green cars must be boring. 
> who drive green cars with silver wheels are really boring.  -:
> >I have to disagree slightly with Ben Ruset's comment against John
> >McEwen's nerd comment.  First of all, I'm sure John meant to be humorous
> >with a bit of sarcasm.
> >
> >But second, I can see John's underlying point.  Some of us view
> >computers as necessary tools, without a real desire to delve fully into
> >their history, workings, and jargon.  We learn what we have to, to do
> >what we need to.  I feel that way about computers, mainly because I
> >don't have the time to embrace them as I do MGs.   A ready-made
> >mailorder PC system from Micron or Dell is good enough for me, and make
> >sure I can get telephone tech support when I need it.  If that gives me
> >the equivalent of a computer minivan, so be it.
> >
> >MGs, on the other hand, are my passion.  I delight in amassing obscure
> >volumes of trivia concerning their history, parts, manufacturing, etc.
> >Researching and writing MG articles for British Car magazine and my
> >local club is a pleasure, not a chore.  Unfortunately, all this leaves
> >me little time to indulge in my other hobbies (aviation history, classic
> >Christmas lights, old TVs, radios, electric fans). Computers don't have
> >any room in my hobby stable, except to support my hobbies through the
> >Internet.
> >
> >Maybe we need to accept the fact that nerds are the same as gearheads,
> >just with a different idol to worship!  I would however enjoy it more if
> >we got back to HS4s and Lucas instead of SCSI and Linux!
> >
> >Cheers, Paul Kile

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