When my brother in law stops by he sometimes drops off a bottle of Knight's
Grease Grabber. He claims it's one of the best hand cleaners around and uses
it on the job. It has some pumice or some other type of abrasive is in it.
When I'm buying, it's the cheap "Go Jo" like stuff that you can get for .$99
in a 14oz tub - gunk and a few others make it. It all seems to work pretty
well although I'd have to say that the Knight's takes the grease of PDQ and
smells prettier.
Dr. Doug
A bunch 69 of MGs with only few finger smudges here and there!
-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of Editors, Molecular Vision
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 1997 10:16 AM
Subject: hand cleaner
What do you use as a hand cleaner? Someone (Nory? Midget Susan?) wrote
earlier that the stuff in the orange bottle was not as good as stuff in a
blue (?) bottle.
Jeff Boatright '65 Sprite Mk III >>>Safety Fast!>>>__o_\__