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RE: Midgets?

To: mgs <mgs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE: Midgets?
From: The Richards <>
Date: Tue, 04 Nov 1997 10:01:54 -0500
At 02:47 PM 11/4/97 UT, you wrote:
>Next time you are in the neighborhood, stop by and visit my 69 egg beater.  It 
>sure ain't pretty and needs a lot of work but, in short order, it will 
>dissuade you of this recently acquired notion that a B is "sluggish 
>handling/engine wise" vis-a-vis the Midget.
>Dr. Doug 

Oh, come on Dr. Doug, let the spridget guys have their bit of fantasy.

Michael, New Bern, NC

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