Tree huggers get on my nerves in the worst way. Why can't they go out, hug
some trees, and let the rest of us do the things we want to? I plan to own
many classic cars, but if I'm not allowed to drive them, then where's the
fun? What's worse is that many of these envirionmentalist wackoo groups
want to make car ownership of this type illegal because they may pollute a
little more than newer cars. I just want to say "SO WHAT!!" and lock 'em
in a non-ventilated garage with a locked and running '59 Cadillac. If
you're classic car is running right, it will pollute little more than a
properly tuned modern car. I don't want some statist, Earth First pinko
telling me I can't drive my MG (obligatory LBC content) because it's
polluting the air, using up natural resources or any of the other weak
excuses they use to try and limit individual freedom. Whew. Anyway, just
keep all this in mind when making donations to any envirionmentalist group
or when voting for liberal candidates. Look hard for their hidden agendas.
If I have offended any statist, Earth First envirionmentalist wackoos, I'm
not sorry!
Searchin' for that perfect LBC, that may be illegal to drive after it is
purchased. (1961-78 Midget or Spitfire)