Thanks very much for the information, definitely sounds like a
good possibility. I was liiking at various manuals/catalogues,
none of which seem to show the opyical sensor like we have,
but I also notice they show an 'anti flash cover' just below the
rotor - I don't have one, do you think this is important?
Thanks again,
Alan B.'
From: James Murray
To: Alan Bidgood
Cc: mgs
Subject: Re: Still won't idle
Date: Tuesday, October 14, 1997 9:14PM
Alan and all interested,
I'm guessing you have a late model with electronic ignition. I had the
same problem with my last smog inspection. I also replaced all plugs,
wires, cap, and rotor at the recomendation of the mechanic. It had not
been very long since the last change of these same parts. Finally got to
pass smog, but still had the rough idle. I couldn't give up untill I
found the problem. It turned out to be the bracket that supports the
optical trigger inside the distributor. It sticks up high enough that
each time the rotor came past it would arc to ground. So I wrapped the
bracket with electrical tape. Presto, it ran like a champ. More
permanent fix was to dip the bracket in liquid rubber. The same stuff
you dip your tool handles in. Available at most hardware stores. You may
have to dip it several times to build up a good insulation. Dont forget
to mark where the bracket is, or it will foul up rotor timing in
relation to the terminals in the cap. Good luck. Hope it works for you
Alan Bidgood wrote:
> Hello again,
> I'm still trying to get my idle right, but I now feel
> it is more than that. Part of my concern is the damn
> California Smog test I have to get through.
> The car almost seems like it is only firing on three,
> although it seems to run fairly well at speed. When it
> is approaching idle the whole engine rocks quite badly.
> Originally I thought it was the carb, but more recently
> I pulled each plug lead off while the car was running,
> and when I pulled number two off, nothing changed. I
> thought I'd found the problem, but having changed the
> lead, all the leads, the distributor cap, the plug, still
> no change. It seems as if the spark on that cylinder is
> weaker (but I think that may be my imagination) In view of
> replacing everything how could one cylinder/spark etc. be
> different? The electronoic ignition/coil doesn't know one
> cylinder from another as far as the magnitude of the spark
> etc. The compression on cylinders 1,2 & 3 is similar with
> number 4 a bit lower, so I don't think it is that. Next I
> will try playing with the timing, but I don't understand
> what is going on?
> Any suggestions? before I take it somewhere,
> Thanks,
> Alan B.'