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Re: LBC Safety

To: Nina Barton <>
Subject: Re: LBC Safety
From: Bob De Weese <>
Date: Mon, 08 Sep 1997 13:04:17 -0400
Nina Barton wrote:
> At  2:04 PM 1/16/94 -0500, Misa wrote:
> >UM, does anyone drive a LBC WITHOUT a fire extinguisher???!!!
> And on a similar note, I hope that everyone wears a seatbelt when driving.
> Even if your car did not have one as standard for its year, I feel it is an
> essential piece of safety equipment, and should not be frowned upon, even
> in a concours car!!

You know...  I've always had mixed thoughts about wearing my seatbelt in 
the B.  Sometimes I do sometimes I don't.

If I'm sitting at a light and I see a (insert huge vehicle of choice, 
here), bearing down in my rear view mirror, I think it would be a lot 
easier to "bail" if I wasn't wearing a seatbelt.  OTHO - if I'm 
barreling down I-95 and "shit happens" am I better off riding it out 
along with the car, or would I be better off getting "spit out" _before_ 
the car hits the tree?.  

Just something to think about.



                                       Bob De Weese  
                             Certified Professional Locksmith

*  "The secret to effective communication is knowing what to say, * 
*   how to say it, and whom to say it to."                        *

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