Well I may be a little paranoid but then again a little skepticism is
good .Comparing cars to A bomb testing and thelidomide is
rediculous!Just look around you do the new bumpers(mandated by
"them")really work?or does it cost a fortune to fix?Do air bags really
work?(mandated by them)or are they killing our children?
Do all the electronic gizmos really work?Yes but when one quits it costs
a fortune.The very reason we love our LBCs is that new cars (mandated by
complicated overpriced machines with no soul that you can't work on
yourself.Right now we get "thumbs up"when joe public sees our cars
because he can still remember those glory days but what will happen when
the populance starts veiwing old cars as dirty polluters or worse?But
all we need is a shift in public perception to undermine our quests.I
was trying to get people at work to call on SB42 too many said they
thought that if they should have to smog their cars so should everyone
else and "those old smokers should be off the road"Unfortunatly there
aren't enough of us to keep the law makers at bay(Not enoughPAC money).
As for my them VS us mentality well look around .Are they really doing
what you sent them there to do or are they doing what money can buy?Look
at the problems SB42 is having,you can bet if we had a lobby(with cash)
pushing it,it would already be law!As i said earlier take smokers for
example who would have thought they would have to go outside to smoke
and smoking in general would be looked down apon(I don't smoke and like
smoke free places BUT I see a disturbing trend here that could easily be
me, in the future, sneaking around the back roads at midnight trying to
get my LBC fix without be caught)I really do think there is an effort to
either get us out of our cars OR allow us to only have boring new cars
every 3 years ( which will put the lower 50% of the population on
foot).Isn't it true that in Japan you have to replace your engine after
30,000 miles?Go on and believe that you will still be driving your LBCs
in 20 years I hope you are right and I'm wrong .