At 07:36 PM 7/19/97 -0400, Chip Old wrote:
>On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Leckstein wrote:
>> As to the seats, he feels that the modern engines with castings made for
>> the new seats are better prepared for them , taking a 50 year old head and
>> installing them, no matter how good the machine shop , will always be a
>Mike, that's nonsense. The installation of hardened seat inserts is a
>repair technique that dates from way before our T-Types were built. The
>age of the head has nothing to do with it. Some heads are tricky (or even
>impossible) to install inserts in due to the way their valve pockets are
>designed, but that's not an issue with the XPAG/XPEG head. If an insert
>falls out of an XPAG/XPEG head in a car that gets the kind of use you
>described for yours, then it wasn't installed correctly.
>Chip Old 1948 M.G. TC TC6710 NEMGTR #2271
>Cub Hill, Maryland 1962 Triumph TR4 CT3154LO (daily driver)
>If cars had evolved as fast as computers have, by now they'd cost a
>quarter, run for a year on a half-gallon of gas, and explode once a day.
Chip, I was repeating what I was told. Its too late for me, but what is
your opinion on Bronze guides and the whole matter of danger to the valve
train using unleaded?