On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Leckstein wrote:
> As to the seats, he feels that the modern engines with castings made for
> the new seats are better prepared for them , taking a 50 year old head and
> installing them, no matter how good the machine shop , will always be a risk.
Mike, that's nonsense. The installation of hardened seat inserts is a
repair technique that dates from way before our T-Types were built. The
age of the head has nothing to do with it. Some heads are tricky (or even
impossible) to install inserts in due to the way their valve pockets are
designed, but that's not an issue with the XPAG/XPEG head. If an insert
falls out of an XPAG/XPEG head in a car that gets the kind of use you
described for yours, then it wasn't installed correctly.
Chip Old 1948 M.G. TC TC6710 NEMGTR #2271
Cub Hill, Maryland 1962 Triumph TR4 CT3154LO (daily driver)
If cars had evolved as fast as computers have, by now they'd cost a
quarter, run for a year on a half-gallon of gas, and explode once a day.